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What Are The Big Active Servers These Days?

What are the big active servers these days?

What’s everyone playing?

I miss Ethereum, Grinderscape, and Ikov.

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Best Spawn Server?

server config problems on official client

I recently installed zaros on Android, but also wanted to play the official game.

My official client is suddenly having trouble with the server config, and the boot screen displays a yellow x instead of a white one like it used to.

Is this related to the zaros installation, and if so, how can I correct the official app? I have reinstalled multiple times after uninstalling zaros, but the issue is not corrected.

Seasonal DMM Server

Is there any server with a seasonal DMM mode?

Looking to assemble a team to make an RSPS

I’ve been setting up an RSPS lately and thought i’d go on here to look for people to join in on the project. I got a good source code and client, and will provide for the server part. We would be working through Github so it’s a plus if you know that. No real requirements excepts for having basic understanding on working on a project like this.

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3) All conversations must be civil and respectful. Runescape Wiki .

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